Biden’s Plan to Build Back Better


Biden-Harris are offering a different choice for Black Americans. They have a plan to deal with the pandemic safely and responsibly and to build back the economy better with historic investments in Black communities.


(1) Trump says he will “seek infrastructure funding,” something he’s been promising for four years but has failed to actually deliver. Biden will invest $2 trillion to rebuild our nation’s crumbling infrastructure, especially in Black communities, creating millions of good, union jobs along the way. Specifically, Biden will:

  • Launch a $10 billion fund to build new green spaces, redevelop post-industrial waterfronts, and energize main street business districts in cities across the country, especially in Black communities that have been neglected for generations.
  • Invest in Black neighborhoods that were cut off from jobs, schools, and businesses because of historic transportation projects.
  • Eliminate the digital divide that prevents more than 3 million Black people from fully participating in the digital economy by guaranteeing broadband for all Americans.


(2) Trump says he will “advance home ownership opportunities” but has no plan to follow though. Biden will:

  • Help Black families buy their first homes and build wealth by creating a $15,000 First Down Payment Tax Credit.
  • Tackle the rampant discrimination in the housing market that has hurt 45% of Black renters and homeowners by holding financial institutions accountable for systemic housing discrimination.
  • Protect Black homeowners from predatory lenders and abusive mortgage servicers by enacting a new Homeowner and Renter Bill of Rights.


(3) Trump says he will “bring better and tailored healthcare” but has no ideas other than trying to strip health insurance from millions of Black people. Biden will:

  • Strengthen Obamacare and give Black Americans a new choice, a public health insurance option like Medicare.
  • Prevent health care providers from charging patients out-of-network rates when the patient doesn’t have control over which provider the patient sees.
  • Double funding for Community Health Centers, which are a critical source of primary, prenatal, and other important care in Black neighborhoods around the country.


Biden-Harris: Empowering Black Men


In 2016, President Trump asked Black Americans what they had to lose by voting for him. After four year, it is clear: Black Americans, especially Black men, risk losing everything in Trump’s America.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are offering a different choice for Black Americans. They will build back the economy better with historic investments in Black communities that include:

  • Increase Access to Capital – Invest $100 billion in low interest loans to minority owned businesses.
  • Increase Black Homeownership – Create a $15,000 down-payment tax credit to first time buyers and a new public credit scoring system that addresses racial disparities.
  • Expand Access to Affordable Health Care – Build on Obamacare, provide Black Americans with new public health insurance options and increase access to mental health care.
  • Creating Jobs – Creating millions of good paying jobs through a historic infrastructure and clean energy investment and ensuring that new, high-paying jobs reach Black communities.
  • Reforming Criminal Justice – Creating a national standard on use of force for law enforcement, end incarceration for drug use alone, and support automated record sealing for certain non-violent crimes.
  • Making College Affordable – Making public colleges and university tuition free for families earning under $125,000, forgiving all undergraduate tuition-related federal student debt from public colleges and universities and private Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) for debt-holders earning up to $125,000, and investing $70 billion in HBCUs and Minority-Serving Institutions.



Trump Has Failed Black America


In 2016, President Trump asked Black Americans what they had to lose by voting for him. After four years, it’s clear: everything. Black unemployment is at a record high, we’re bearing the disproportionate brunt COVID-19 infections and deaths, and Black owned businesses are shutting their doors at an alarming rate.


(1) Trump says he will “Eliminate Long-Standing Healthcare Disparities.” The reality?

  • One in three Black people know someone who has died of COVID-19 — under Trump’s watch, Black people are dying at more than twice the rate of white people.
  • Trump is asking the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down Obamacare, which would leave millions of Black people without health insurance in the middle of a deadly pandemic, and allow insurers to deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions like asthma, cancer, and diabetes.
  • Trump wants to cut funding for health disparities research.


(2) Trump says he will create “3 million new jobs for the Black community.” The reality?

  • Trump has destroyed more than 1 million jobs in the Black community.
  • The unemployment rate in the Black community more than doubled since this time last year — 1.2 million Black men are now unemployed.
  • More than half of Black families have lost wages since March and 1 in 3 expect to lose employment income over the next four weeks.


(3) Trump said he will “create 500,000 new Black-owned businesses.” The reality?

  • Trump tried to eliminate the only federal agency responsible for fostering the creation and success of Black-owned businesses.
  • Trump’s failure on COVID led to economic disaster — 43% of Black-owned businesses will deplete their cash reserves by the end of the year.
  • Trump put as many as 95% of Black-owned businesses at a disadvantage when they initially tried to obtain PPP loans to get relief due to COVID.